QCSS Secondary Dr. King Service Project

QCSS Secondary Dr. King Service Project - January 19 - 22, 2021
Posted on 01/11/2021
Blanket Drive Small

Dear QCSS Community,

Join QCSS Secondary’s Blanket Drive for Charlotte’s Tent Cities!

COVID-19 has worsened the homelessness crisis in Charlotte. Homeless shelters are at or near capacity due to social distancing, and there is no other place for the homeless population to go.

QCSS Lions are lifelong learners with big hearts. We seek knowledge, pursue wisdom, and foster peace in all we do. We believe in what Martin Luther King Jr. said, “everybody can be great because everybody can serve.” We take our responsibility very seriously and never stop to change the world for the better.

Please join our blanket drive and help reduce some of the burdens that fall on the people living in Charlotte’s tent cities.

You can bring your donations between January 19 through January 22, at 8:30 am – 2:30 pm, to:

QCSS Secondary Campus
9108 Mallard Creek Rd. Charlotte, NC 28262
Phone: (980) 321-7744

Thank you!

QCSS Secondary Team